Greetings, Friends and Neighbors, from the world headquarters of Subligna Valley Productions (SVP) in Atlanta, Georgia!
It’s been an exciting time here at SVP, especially with our Live365 internet radio station “Chillin’ With Steve”. We have expanded our eclectic AF music library to over 900 songs from back in the day (mostly 60’s through 80’s, with some 90’s)… and we’ll be adding more.
We have also applied to the U.S. Patent Office to trademark the name “Subligna Valley”.
In 2005, we created “The Georgia Road Geek” (GRG) dedicated to roads and the hobby of roadgeeking. GRG, along with it’s “ROADGEEK-CAM” subsidiary, are now under the SVP umbrella.
In August, we interviewed Atlanta yacht rock legend Bruce Blackmon of Starbuck (“Moonlight Feels Right”) on our “Steve Williams and Friends” podcast, which you can listen to by clicking here. BTW, we’re always on the lookout for interesting folks to interview.
We’ve also recorded public service announcements (PSAs). Please click on the links below to listen..
To promote our internet radio station, we’re also running billboards in various markets.
This afternoon, we activated our new domain name
To pay the bills and keep SVP up and running, we’re looking for individual and corporate sponsors. For $100.00, we will produce an audio advertisement that will be run on our internet radio station and future podcasts for one (1) year. To become a sponsor, please make a payment via PayPal. NOTE: We respectfully do not accept political, alcohol, drug, or tobacco advertisements.
Last, but not least, we remember my dear departed dad Louie Williams, Sr., as today would have been his 82nd birthday. He passed away in 2017 and my mother Linda passed away a year later. I know that both are celebrating this momentous occasion in Heaven.
That’s it for now. Thank you for reading our blogs and listening to our internet radio station and podcasts… and thanks in advance to our future sponsors. Peace out, y'all!